David Fischer of Landmark Capital joins host Steve Noble on their regular Money Monday segment. Topics discussed on this episode are the budget that just passed the Senate, the new Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, why more countries are aggressively buying gold and the Saudi Aramco IPO. 

What impact will the Saudi Aramco IPO have on the Dollar?

Listen to “Called 2 Action – Saudi Aramco IPO” on Spreaker.

Show Notes:
David appears @ 6:00
– Senate passes a budget for 2018. David thinks it will be great for tax payers, especially those in the middle income brackets.
– It does create more deficit so the government will have to adjust the budget which should be worked out with the House.
– New Fed chairman, Jerome Powell has been announced. David thinks it won’t have much of an impact in terms of the Fed’s long term plans.
– David takes calls answering questions about precious metals from the listeners.

Listen to why Gold is the best investment for 2018. Click here.

– David thinks once the Fed raises interest rates, the bond markets will be in trouble and cause a bubble to burst. The Fed is also looking to unload on their treasury holdings.
– More countries and central banks are aggressively buying Gold.
– China is looking to move the Yuan to compete with the dollar to be the world’s oil reserve currency.
– Due to oil being down, Saudi Arabia is in a recession. In order to raise money and boost their economy, they are launching an IPO for Saudi Aramco, their national oil company. China is looking to invest aggressively at the IPO which could damage the Dollar.

saudi aramco ipo