Financial Expert and CEO of Landmark Capital, David Fischer joins Steve Noble on Called 2 Action. David Starts off with a Market update and where we are currently. It seems like where ever finances are the Fed has their finger in it, David explains what they are up to and how it is affecting the economy. If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to investing, David gives some great insight on what you should and should not be focusing on.

Why is the Fed always causing trouble?

Show notes –

– The DOW is down 4.7%, SMP 500 down 3.5%, NASDAQ down 3.5%, Silver down 1.8%, Gold is up 2.8%

– China is putting Tariffs on 128 products

– The Fed has been unraveling their balance sheet over the past 3 years

– Over the Next 2 to 3 years the Fed will be selling assets (Treasuries)

– America is in a 21 trillion dollar debt and is still climbing

– When investing in coins, always invest in a graded coin ( Verified authenticity)

trade tariffs