David Fischer, CEO of Landmark Capital, joins The Kevin McCullough Show for a full segment of information on a Christian approach to finances, and what has been happening in the economy currently. As we approach 2019, many well-respected names are saying that a recession is coming because of the ever-growing debt. Tariffs were put into place because we have a trade deficit, but in the overall approach, this hits our debt structure in a negative way.

 David explains that a Christian approach to finances can benefit you in many ways.

To listen to the full episode, click here.

Show notes –

– In 2017 the government issued 530 billion treasuries.

– Consumer debt has recently hit 4 trillion dollars.

– David explains that investing in gold provides safety.

– A tariff is a tax on products that come in from a different country to your country.

– David explains the actions of the FED and how they are going to contribute to the recession.

– The European Central Bank announced they will be unraveling their balance sheet as well.

the volcker rule