David Fischer, CEO of Landmark Capital joins The Real Side with Joe Messina to discuss what is going on in the economy and world finances. It’s officially here 9 years in a bull market marks it a historic day for finances in the United States. This is the longest running bull market we have had in history and David explains what this means for us. Earnings are driving the market right now due to the tax cut for businesses, but this will not last long with how the market is going. 


Financial History is here, with 9 years in a bull market!

To listen to the full episode, Click here.

Show Notes –

– Tesla has not made any money recently and Elon Musk is wanting to reprivatize Tesla so he doesn’t have to show public earnings.

– The FED is continuing to raise rates which puts pressure on the markets and stocks which affects many things for corporate earnings.

– The rest of the world is in a bear market, Chinese stocks are down substantially as well as Europe.

– The gap between the lower class and society has grown immensely in the past 5 years.

the volcker rule